#út_22.10.2024 09:05

Open call: Rezidence Káznice 2023

We are announcing an OPEN CALL for Residence Káznice in the former Baroque prison in Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic, in the heart of the location nicknamed Bronx. Residencies are not limited by age or medium and last two to four weeks. Selected artists will be provided with accommodation, honorarium and curatorial support. The deadline for applications is March 31, 2023.

Last Supper – installation in the Káznice chapel by artist Hynek Skoták


The call is open to international artists across all media and without age restrictions who live and work outside the Czech Republic. Residents are provided with a 29 m2 apartment in Káznice equipped with two beds, a bathroom and a toilet. The apartment can also serve as a studio, however, the residence is primarily intended for networking, we do not have a separate studio. We prefer artists with an interest in the location. Involvement in ongoing projects and the Káznice program is welcome but not a requirement.


An honorarium of 20,000 CZK (approx. 800 euro), accommodation, reimbursement of travel expenses, space to think and create. Residents can also use other shared spaces (courtyard, kitchen, workshop, screen printing workshop, community spaces). The residency includes a curatorial program (visits to Brno studios, exhibitions and other events related to visual arts). The intention of the residency is to network with the local scene.


The obligatory outcome of the residency is a public presentation of the resident’s work in the form of a discussion or lecture and a final report in Czech or English in a minimum of 2xA4.


Date: April-December 2023

Length of residency: 2-4 weeks

Where: Káznice Studios, Bratislavská 68, Brno

Please send your application by 31 March 2023 to hynek@hynekskotak.com. The application form should include a CV and a motivation letter. 

The residents will be decided by a committee consisting of an art theorist, curators and representatives of Káznice Studios. The results of the OPEN CALL will be announced in early April 2023

Installation White Technique by artist Erik Binder


The building of the former prizon is located in the heart of the area nicknamed the Bronx of Brno. It is a neighbourhood close to the city centre with a turbulent history. The German-speaking inhabitants were replaced after World War II by Slovak Romani women and Roma who still live here today, but more and more of the land is being bought by developers and the area is being discussed in connection with gentrification.

The building of the Káznice served as a prison between 1784 and 1956, when the former convicts moved to the newly built municipal buinding. At the beginning of the century, the city expressed an interest in reviving the dilapidated building complex and creating a creative hub there, an idea that is still in the works. Nowadays, the Káznice has a life of its own: theatre performances, exhibitions, concerts and festivals are regularly held here. The art studios have been housed here since 2020 in premises that were originally used for administrative purposes. The part of Káznice with the prison cells is awaiting future use.


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