
About Káznice

Káznice is a former prison from the end of the 18th century. The site, owned by the municipality, is now largely abandoned. The city is planning a major renovation and the construction of a creative centre and museum. The Tripitaka Association, in cooperation with other partners, is trying to gradually revive it until this ambitious plan can be realised.

Tripitaka, z.s.

Tripitaka is an association that straddles three areas: Art, Social Work and Education. It has been working in Brno since 2011 and has a number of successful projects under its belt. Since 2018, it has been based in Káznice. Here it runs a cultural and community centre, a gallery and art studios. Tripitaka also runs a social enterprise called Café In The Ghetto.

Káznice žije (Káznice lives in English)

Káznice žije is the umbrella project which focuses on cultural revival of Káznice.

It has these main goals:

1) to contribute to the development and professionalization of existing cultural activities in Káznice

2) to initiate steps to save this historical monument and convert it into a viable cultural a community centre


The colors of the Brno Bronx

This programe builds on our community work in the largest socially excluded locality in Brno, the Bronx. We are trying to achieve wider social change and activate the local community. We empower local residents, enabling them to name their own needs and find ways to meet them. We seek to improve communication and coexistence. We do this by organizing cultural and social events, the biggest of which is the Ghettofest festival, reviving local festivals and traditions and organizing regular public meetings.

Faktor K

Faktor K is a festival for which Káznice is the main inspiration and the place of the venue.

It is a combination of artistic events such as theatre and concerts and community events and conferences that are dealing with Káznice from various perspectives.


Ghettofest is a street festival in an excluded locality nicknamed „Brno Bronx“.

It is a unique social cultural concept created specifically for this place. Its main motives are the opening of the borders of this imaginary „ghetto“, the minds of its inhabitants and other Brno citizens, the promotion of natural encounters and coexistence in one city.

Residence Káznice

Since 2020 we regularly invite artists, curators or heads of art centres from abroad to experience the atmosphere of Káznice and its raw surroundings. They are offered a residential apartment directly in the building on the first floor, where there are also other artist studios, creative facilities and a curator, who connects them to the arts community and cultural events in the city.

Káznice also offers studio facilities for ten artists and space for art exhibitions.



V Káznici představíme premiéru divadelní inscenace Benteha

Zveme vás na představení Benteha / Бентега. Divadelní setkání, které je první částí třídílné série komunitního projektu Než válka skončí,…


Faktor K přinese do Káznice koncerty, site specific projekty i besedy

Brněnskou Káznici oživí ve dnech 2. – 4. října šestý ročník multižánrového festivalu Faktor K. „Cílem festivalu je soustředit na jedno…


Prostor Káznice postupně získává prvky ukrajinské novodobé historie

(UK below) Prostor brněnské Káznice postupně získává prvky ukrajinské novodobé historie skrze pohled umělců na svět. Dina Chmuzh je umělkyně…


Nástěnná malba Slepci v Káznici odkazuje na stejnojmennou divadelní hru

(UK below) Umělkyně Dina Chmuzh vytvořila v prostoru Káznice nástěnnou malbu „Slepci“. Autorka zdůrazňuje, že nástěnná malba je odrazem stejnojmenného představení,…
